Not all heroes save lives, raise millions of dollars, or wear capes.
Some simply go the extra mile to make the lives of those around them better, with no expectation of thanks or praise.
In Port Hedland it is the everyday person who puts in a little bit extra to make the town a wonderful place to live.
They are the Heroes of Hedland, and their contributions have been captured in a book that was launched in November.
It’s a nod to those who stick their hand up to coach the local Teeball team on a Saturday morning, the neighbour who tends to your garden while you’re away, the First Nations people who continue to champion and share culture, working towards an inclusive community for all in Hedland.
Hedland Heroes is sponsored by BHP, Fortescue Metals Group and the Town of Port Hedland and supported by Port Hedland Chamber of Commerce, Port Hedland Industries Council, The Junction Co., Volunteering WA, and the Hedland Collective.
Read more about Hedland Heroes, and some of their stories, here.