The next phase of planning for the redevelopment of the West End precinct has begun with the WA Planning Commission, supported by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, progressing structure planning, in line with the provisions of Port Hedland West End Improvement Scheme No.1 (gazetted on 18 September 2020).
The Precinct Structure Plan will facilitate opportunities for investment in quality commercial development and public spaces across the scheme area that recognise the heritage significance of the West End.
In turn this will bring more job opportunities, new local business opportunities and further investment in community infrastructure as Port Hedland continues to grow.
The Precinct Structure Plan process was an outcome of the Port Hedland Dust Management Taskforce Report, which recommended planning changes and a structured plan to buy existing residential properties within a defined West End area to reduce permanent long-term occupation of the area.
A Port Hedland Voluntary Buyback Scheme (PHVBS) was announced in 2020 with 404 properties eligible under the scheme. Around 90 per cent of the original eligible residential properties have been valued and more than 60 per cent have been sold or are selling to the Hedland Maritime Initiative (HMI), a subsidiary company of Pilbara Ports.
The State Government extended the scheme to 31 December 2025 and changed some terms to stimulate increased take-up by property owners. It has also expanded property eligibility to include commercial or short-stay strata properties within mixed-use developments where HMI has already acquired residential properties adding an additional 30 properties.
Funding for the scheme is provided by iron ore exporters through a special levy on iron ore shipped through the port of Port Hedland. Funds collected will also be used for minor works to improve properties acquired by HMI.
A new steering group will provide oversight of the PHVBS activities. It comprises Pilbara Development Commission (Chair), Pilbara Ports, HMI, Town of Port Hedland, DevelopmentWA, and Port Hedland Industries Council.
The steering group will endorse the allocation of PHVBS funds for minor works at HMI acquired properties, where those works would facilitate a change of use.
It will also endorse the allocation of up to $22 million of PHVBS funds to agencies nominated by the Minister for Planning to support residential development within the Town of Port Hedland.
PHIC continues to work with relevant State Government Departments in relation to environmental regulations as part of the planning process.
More information on these projects is available here: