PHIC visited the Hedland Senior High School recently to deliver a presentation on the State-Wide Array Surveillance Program (SWASP) as part of the school’s Year 9 Career Taster Program.

Implementation of the SWASP at the Port of Port Hedland is undertaken as a collaborative approach between industry and the Department of Primary Industries & Regional Development (DPIRD)with funding provided through PHIC.

Pilbara Ports Authority Senior Environment Advisor Mark Logue explained the environmental operations ran at the Port of Port Hedland, focusing primarily on the award-winning program.

SWASP aims to identify the presence of introduced marine pests in port waters as early as possible. Early detection of invasive marine species is one of the most effective marine biosecurity strategies, with eradicating established introduced marine pests costly and challenging.

To learn more about the SWASP, read Pilbara Ports Authority’s fact sheet here.